The Effects of Social Media on the Body Satisfaction of Adolescent and Young Adult Females
This study examined how social media impacts the body satisfaction of adolescent and young adult females through the variables of age, time spent on social media, social comparison behaviors, and appearance-related attitudes. The study utilized a sample of females between the ages of 14 to 25 with varying educational backgrounds. This study contributes to increased knowledge about the effects of social media on the body satisfaction of young women which can impact self-esteem, self-perceptions, and overall mental and physical health. As a component of this study, age was broken into two groups, thereby creating a younger (14-18) and older (19-25) group. This allowed the researchers to also make comparisons between the two age groups on variables related to time spent on social media and body satisfaction.
How to Cite:
Wallis, J. M. & Kozar, J. M., (2015) “The Effects of Social Media on the Body Satisfaction of Adolescent and Young Adult Females”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 72(1).
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