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Consumer Behavior

A study of the symbolic clothing disposition behaviors of Generation Y

  • Patti Borello (Western Michigan University)
  • Barbara J Frazier (Western Michigan University)


This qualitative study explored symbolic clothing behaviors of Generation Y women in relation to the disposition of their wedding gowns. The wedding gown is a symbolic garment that is steeped in tradition and is part of an important rite of passage ceremony (Geller, 2001) The wedding gown reflects the values and beliefs of the bride’s culture (Whelehan & Carter, 2007). Over the last sixty years the white wedding gown has become the standard costume of the American bride. A review of the current media reflects a change in the disposition behavior of Generation Y; websites encourage women to sell their gowns, donate them to charities, or destroy the gowns in photo shoots.

How to Cite:

Borello, P. & Frazier, B. J., (2015) “A study of the symbolic clothing disposition behaviors of Generation Y”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 72(1).

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