Textile and Apparel Industries

Job Responsibilities of Textile and Apparel Supply Chain Managers: From Mentzer’s Key Drivers of Competitive Advantage Perspective

  • Tahmidul Islam Molla (University of Missouri)
  • Jung E. Ha-Brookshire (University of Missouri)


The purpose of this paper is to share strategies on how to engage diverse populations of students through a common theme, such as this on-trend and ubiquitous fabric, so that they learn, engage, collaborate and move their design and research agendas forward, while at the same time boosting their hiring value as discerning and analytical industry professionals.

How to Cite:

Islam Molla, T. & Ha-Brookshire, J. E., (2015) “Job Responsibilities of Textile and Apparel Supply Chain Managers: From Mentzer’s Key Drivers of Competitive Advantage Perspective”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 72(1).

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Published on
11 Nov 2015
Peer Reviewed