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Pedagogy and Professional Development

Collaborative Instructor Team Approaches on a Market Positioning Project for a Non- Profit SME Retailer: Understanding from the Social Capital Theory

  • Jihyun Kim orcid logo (Kent State University)
  • Marjorie Wachowiak (Kent State University)


Due to the size of the undergraduate student population in our institution, there are multiple sections of the course each semester; thus, it is not unusual that two or more instructors are involved to offer the course using one consolidated syllabus, course outline, and course projects. Therefore, collaborative team approach is quite necessary and useful regarding overall course planning process such as establishing course learning objectives and policies, outlining the course milestones and contents, developing course projects and rubrics, and developing and proctoring tests and examinations. Due to the nature of the size of the student enrollment, a collaborative approach on teaching of a course with multiple sections is imperative in order to 1) align the course objectives, projects, and deadline, and in turn 2) offer the equivalent course learning experience.

How to Cite:

Kim, J. & Wachowiak, M., (2015) “Collaborative Instructor Team Approaches on a Market Positioning Project for a Non- Profit SME Retailer: Understanding from the Social Capital Theory”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 72(1).

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