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Merchandising/Marketing/Retailing: Branding

Brand Charisma: Word-Of-Mouth and Gender

  • Seung-Hee Lee (Southern Illinois University)
  • Jane E. Workman (Southern Illinois University)
  • Kyangho Jung (Seoul National University)


Although there are a few scales for assessing human charisma (e.g., Vercic & Vercic, 2011), there is no instrument for measuring brand charisma. Thus, it is meaningful to examine if a human charisma scale can be adapted for brand charisma, and to investigate brand charisma with regard to WOM and gender. The purpose of the study is to examine if 1) a human charisma scale can be adapted to measure brand charisma, particularly to fashion brand, 2) men and women differ in ratings of brand charisma and 3) higher ratings on brand charisma are related to higher levels of WOM.

How to Cite:

Lee, S., Workman, J. E. & Jung, K., (2015) “Brand Charisma: Word-Of-Mouth and Gender”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 72(1).

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