Understanding Consumption during the Transition to Motherhood: An Exploration of Shopping Orientation among New Mothers
Approximately four million women become mothers every year in the United States alone (CDC, 2013). According to Michaels, Hoffman, and Goldberg (1982), the transition to motherhood is the most universally-occurring adult developmental transition, and one that has implications for an individual’s psychological, sociocultural, and biological state. This transition also has implications for consumption, in that, “From the moment a woman finds out she is pregnant, the way she thinks, feels, and shops changes” (Eric Mower and Associates, 2013, para. 3).
Keywords: new mothers, Consumption, Shopping orientation
How to Cite:
Brown, V. & Hodges, N. N., (2014) “Understanding Consumption during the Transition to Motherhood: An Exploration of Shopping Orientation among New Mothers”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 71(1).
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