Poppin’ Tags: How Consumers Communicate Uniqueness with Vintage Clothing
Aesthetics in the 21st Century has been marked by the coexistence of many styles, with consumers often in charge of creating their own sense of personal style (Postrel, 2003). However, convergence of global trends has led to similarity across brands and price points, which makes it difficult to create an individualized appearance when shopping solely at new clothing stores. Some consumers have sought alternative sources, including thrift shops, vintage stores, clothing swaps, garage sales, do-it-yourself projects, and professionally redesigned clothing (Janigo, 2011; Reiley, 2008). The purpose of this r
Keywords: uniqueness, Communication, Clothing, vintage
How to Cite:
Reiley, K. & Janigo, K. A., (2014) “Poppin’ Tags: How Consumers Communicate Uniqueness with Vintage Clothing”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 71(1).
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