Consumer Compulsive Buying and Hoarding in a World of Fast Fashion
Powerful, uncontrollable urges to shop and purchase characterize compulsive buying (Johnson & Attmann, 2009). By definition, fast fashion is a clothing category that is designed to cater to the impulse purchase by being fashion-forward and relatively inexpensive. People who compulsively shop do so to generate positive feelings; buying will eliminate the blue mood however it is often followed by feelings of depression. However, kept unworn clothes have been considered a sign of excess consumer culture, and could even suggest a shopping addiction, such as compulsive shopping (Banim & Guy, 2001).
Keywords: Compulsive Shopping, Hoarding, Fashion Interest
How to Cite:
Higgins, K., Kinley, T. R., Crutsinger, C. & Strubel, J., (2014) “Consumer Compulsive Buying and Hoarding in a World of Fast Fashion”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 71(1).
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