Developing an Attitudinal Model of Viral Marketing Acceptance: Moderating Effects of Consumer Traits and Situational Factors
With the ever increasingly competitive business environment, more marketers are using viral marketing campaigns to reach consumers more efficiently at lower cost. The goal is to motivate consumers to take action as a result of the message including selecting the products, services or brands promoted while passing the message to others through individuals’ social networks. Research indicates the great potentials of viral marketing campaign to marketers, however, little is known about the motivations, attitudes, and behaviors of consumers engaged in this marketing instrument (Wolny & Mueller, 2013). As the social media platform continues to advance, understanding the traits and motivations of consumers is invaluable for marketers and communicators who deal with message strategy and media outreach.
Keywords: consumer, Gratification, Marketing, Media
How to Cite:
Kobia, C. & Liu, C., (2014) “Developing an Attitudinal Model of Viral Marketing Acceptance: Moderating Effects of Consumer Traits and Situational Factors”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 71(1).
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