A Prediction Model for Environmentally Responsible Apparel Purchases: The Moderating Effects of Risk Aversion
Individuals cannot significantly diminish their environmental impact by reducing consumption, rather they can make a greater impact with purchasing environmentally responsible products. The author for this study developed a prediction model for consumers' purchases of environmentally responsible apparel (ERA) based on the combination of two theories, value-belief-norm model and theory of reasoned action. This study also examined an enduring personality trait "risk aversion”and its moderating role within the prediction model. An online survey was conducted using a large sample (n = 1,518) from a state university in the southern U.S. The results from structural equation modeling suggest that the prediction model significantly increases predictability for ERA purchases, especially for future purchase. The results also demonstrate the role of risk aversion as a significant moderator, which suggest that risk takers risk avoiders are different in how they shape their beliefs, attitudes and behaviors related to their ERA purchase decisions.
How to Cite:
Kang, J., (2016) “A Prediction Model for Environmentally Responsible Apparel Purchases: The Moderating Effects of Risk Aversion”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 73(1).
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