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Pedagogy and Professional Development

Implementing Pattern Grading in a Computer-Aided Patternmaking Course: Developing Materials and Utilizing Learning Tools

  • April Elisha Stanley (Iowa State University)
  • Fatma Baytar (Iowa State University)


In the apparel design curriculum, students are often provided with a brief definition of grading and basic informational materials, as a result, most of them express a disconnection in understanding the basics of pattern grading. Computer-aided patternmaking software can help instructors explain the concept of pattern grading clearly by providing instant visualizations during student application of grading rules. The overarching goal of this study was to develop class materials for a computer-aided (CAD) patternmaking course to introduce the concept of pattern grading and assess student thinking and learning of the grading process. Two assignments were developed to help students visualize and apply the concept of grading: manual grading and CAD grading. Students expressed eagerness to use pattern grading for future class projects and felt both lectures helped them to better comprehend apparel sizing differences. Students also felt that the manual pattern grading lecture assisted in their understanding of computer-aided grading.

How to Cite:

Stanley, A. E. & Baytar, F., (2016) “Implementing Pattern Grading in a Computer-Aided Patternmaking Course: Developing Materials and Utilizing Learning Tools”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 73(1).

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