Consumer Characteristics and Purchase Intentions of Mass-customized Men's Dress Shirts
Mass-customization (MC) is a hybrid between mass production and customization. It is a production strategy that offers personalized goods through modularized product designs, flexible processes, and supply chain integration (Fogliatto, da Silveira & Borenstein, 2012). Information in characteristics of potential customers is important for companies that offer MC apparel to develop effective strategies to reach and serve their target customers. A theoretical framework to examine consumers' characteristics and their purchase intentions of MC men's dress shirts based on the Technology Acceptance Model (Davis, 1989) and related previous study results. A quantitative research method using an online survey design was adopted. For the data analyses, the structural equation modeling with maximum likelihood estimation was conducted.
How to Cite:
Yang, J. & Chen-Yu, J., (2016) “Consumer Characteristics and Purchase Intentions of Mass-customized Men's Dress Shirts”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 73(1).
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