Encapsulated Infinity
Science-fiction literature introduced the term terraforming and defined it as the process of creation of an Earth like habitat on a new and uncharted planet (Dennis, 2011). Aerial photographs taken while flying to Iowa were the visual inspiration for this project. Besides Vitruvius Pollio's (circa 27BC) guiding principles of garden design,commodity, firmness and delight, , zero waste in multiple forms was also used to create a sustainable wardrobe capsule. Free form crochet, hand knitting, machine knitting, beading, tasseling and hand sewing were techniques employed to build the knitted piece row by row using various textural yarns. The idea of infinity was furthermore embedded in the knitted stitches by continuously changing and alternating the textural yarns. Overall, the ensemble feels lightweight and see-through just as an aerial photograph, without missing the textural density of a landscape design or the complexity of fibers and techniques of a terraforming capsule. Reference: Dennis, N., Larsen, G., & Macaulay, M. (2011). Editorial: Terraforming Arts Marketing. Arts Marketing: An International Journal, 1(1), 5-10.
How to Cite:
Gorea, A., (2016) “Encapsulated Infinity”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 73(1).
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