Consumers' Motivation and Active Participation on Fashion Brand's Social Networking Sites: Moderating Effect of General SNS Usage
The purpose of this study is to examine consumers' motivations that influence active participation on fashion brands' SNS and to investigate the moderating effect of general SNS usage on the influence of motivations on active participation. Based on the use and gratification theory, key motivators were categorized and renamed as functional, social-psychological, hedonic, and monetary motivation. The findings showed female college students in Korea participated actively on fashion brands' SNS when they had functional, hedonic, and monetary motivations but social-psychological motivation was not a factor to encourage active participation. The effects of functional motivation on active participation in the fashion brands' SNS was stronger among students who have high usage of general SNS than students who have low usage. In addition, the positive relationship between monetary motivation and active participation on fashion brands' SNS was stronger among high users of general SNS than low users.
How to Cite:
Lee, S., (2016) “Consumers' Motivation and Active Participation on Fashion Brand's Social Networking Sites: Moderating Effect of General SNS Usage”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 73(1).
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