Information-seeking and Personal Capital in Novice Learners' Creative Design Approach
This paper describes a project in an introductory design principles course which gave learners the opportunity to apply design process knowledge, and to better understand the role of information-seeking in the design process. A critical reflection approach enabled learners to consciously frame and interpret their problem solving approach. Learner reflections also enabled educators to better comprehend learners' information seeking strategies in order to more effectively guide students' inspiration process. Strickfaden, Stafiniak & Terzen's (2015) design milieu framework was used to sort learners' information-seeking behaviors. Results suggest that novice learners rely heavily on generalized information sources found in personal and socio-cultural contexts for design inspiration, and less on information from design courses, or general design information. Findings from this study highlight the need for educators to assess learners' information-seeking strategies so that they can be guided and encouraged to explore new sources of inspiration and expand references beyond internet searches.
How to Cite:
Bukhari, H., Weathers, K. & Frazier, B. J., (2016) “Information-seeking and Personal Capital in Novice Learners' Creative Design Approach”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 73(1).
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