Otherkin and Therian in the Virtual Space: Communicating Identities of the Private and Public Self
The purpose of this study was to understand how the Therian and Otherkin subcultures use virtual spaces. The following questions guided the study: (a) how do Otherkin and Therian individuals use virtual spaces to develop a sense of self?, and (b) what signifiers are utilized to communicate the Otherkin and Therian identity in public and private spaces? Videos of twenty YouTube vloggers, who identify as Therian and Otherkin, were analyzed. Three themes emerged: (a) they use of the virtual space to build community and a support network, (b) dress was used as a means to feel more connected to the community and to negotiate presentation of the true self, and (c) disconnection and censure from the society as a result of expressing the true self. From a symbolic interactionist perspective, these individuals used dress to signify a subcultural identity, which was negotiated and acted out in virtual and offline spaces.
How to Cite:
Gagliardi, N. R., (2016) “Otherkin and Therian in the Virtual Space: Communicating Identities of the Private and Public Self”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 73(1).
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