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Merchandising/Marketing/Retailing: Management

The Choice of Channel for Social Media Advertising by Apparel Firms: The Perspective from Institutional Isomorphism

  • Jing Sun (Washington State University)
  • Ting Chi (Washington State University)


The selection of a specific social media channel has been a challenge for the marketers. The variety social media sites have different forms and mechanisms and can be classified as: 1) the full-blown social networking sites (Facebook etc.); 2) blog and micro-blogging; 3) multimedia sharing sites (YouTube etc.); 4) review sites and discussion forums; 5) web search engine (Google, etc.); 6) Social News service (Digg, etc.); and 7) location based sites (Foursquare etc.).  There is a need to address the selection mechanisms in firms. Thus, this research was to 1) explore factors influence the choice of channel for social media advertising by apparel firms; and 2) explain the large advertising revenue share by a certain social media channels.  By reviewing the literature, a theoretical framework integrating the factors of social media evaluation and institutional isomorphism was developed to explain the channel choice for social media advertising by apparel firms.

Keywords: Institutional Isomorphism

How to Cite:

Sun, J. & Chi, T., (2019) “The Choice of Channel for Social Media Advertising by Apparel Firms: The Perspective from Institutional Isomorphism”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 76(1). doi:

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