Constellation Guide
The concept for Constellation Guide began as a flat form, which takes 3D shape through user involvement in the final design assembly process using embroidered designs similar to arrows as well as laser cut embellishments which indicate the start and stop point of assembling locations with appropriate forms of closure placed at these points. The goal of this design process was creation of a garment with embedded guidelines, similar to a map, integrated into the surface design.These guidelines are intended to assist users in constructing their own garment shape variations. Similar to mass customization, this design democratization may help the wearer to gain more connection and ownership of the design process and thus to the products they wear. Such democratization of design, via a user-modified model, is a sustainable approach, as increased sense of connection and ownership of the creative process, and opportunities for alternative uses for users, will lead to increased product longevity.
Keywords: sustainability, Design democratization, hands-on experience, origami
How to Cite:
Aflatoony, L., (2019) “Constellation Guide”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 76(1). doi:
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