Do I Know You? Impact of Consumers’ Brand Schema and Brand Familiarity on Brand Affect and Attitude for Pro-Environmental Messages
This study looks at how consumers evaluate brands’ pro-environmental initiatives based on their existing brand schemas as well as their familiarity with the brand. The variables in consideration here are brand affect and brand attitude. An online experiment was designed for the study recruiting adult US consumers using a market-based research firm. The study results indicated that when participants expected a brand be PE (or not), affect and attitude towards brand were more (or less) favorable. The results were true for both familiar and unfamiliar brands. Moreover, change in brand attitude, although observed for both, was less for familiar than unfamiliar brands.
Keywords: attitude, brand familiarity, brand schema, affect, familiarity
How to Cite:
Bhaduri, G., (2019) “Do I Know You? Impact of Consumers’ Brand Schema and Brand Familiarity on Brand Affect and Attitude for Pro-Environmental Messages”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 76(1). doi:
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