Hey Google: Voice Search and Customer’s Path to Purchase
The internet currently is impacting society in numerous ways and to some extent it can be stated that it is one the most important tools in day to day life. One of the most critical uses of this technology is “searching”. Voice is redefining the meaning of “mobile,” and it is way beyond smartphones and tablets, and some of the devices don’t even have screens such as Amazon Echo and Google Home. In as similar vein, customers are enthusiastically adopting voice technology, and this change in customer behavior has led to “Voice Commerce”, which is projected to explode over the next few years. Thus,it is imperative that the industry understand how and when customers are using voice search, especially since voice technology is reshaping customer digital interactions and the path to purchase. Hence, the purpose of this conceptual study is to examine customers’ path-to-purchase by mapping their journey and creating a customer journey map.
Keywords: Path-To-Purchase, Customer Journey, V-Commerce, Voice Search
How to Cite:
Bentahar, A. & Pookulangara, S., (2019) “Hey Google: Voice Search and Customer’s Path to Purchase”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 76(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/itaa.8424
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