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Consumer Behavior

Consumer Attitudes Toward Gender Binary Stereotypes and Androgynous Advertisements Based on Media Exposure

  • Ivana Markova (San Francisco State University)
  • Victoria Yao-Hue Lo (San Francisco State University)


The conversation of sexuality as it pertains to gender equality has been growing in recent years. The current research takes a more focused look at the role of binary gender stereotypes and androgynous advertisements seen in a variety of media (TV, print, movies). Findings of this study indicated no significant relationship between exposure to media (TV, print, movies) and gender roles stereotypes. However, respondents did believe that media is skewed toward specific stereotypical gender roles, which in turn affects their knowledge and opinions on androgyny. The majority of respondents agreed (93%, n=139) that fashion advertisements market toward certain genders and are not gender-neutral. More than half of respondents (63%, n=94) believed that fashion advertisements influence their view on gender stereotypes. It is evident that it is more socially acceptable for female models to wear traditionally male clothing, but not for male models to wear traditionally female clothing.

Keywords: androgynous fashion, media exposure, Gender binary stereotypes

How to Cite:

Markova, I. & Lo, V. Y., (2019) “Consumer Attitudes Toward Gender Binary Stereotypes and Androgynous Advertisements Based on Media Exposure”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 76(1). doi:

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