An Interactive Map of Global Patterns of Worn Clothing Exports in the Recent Term
United Nations COMTRADE data are used to examine worn clothing trade flows over the most recent five years (2013-2017). The focal metric for analysis is export values expressed in U.S. dollars. Export data were queried using various time scenarios including: 2013-2017, 1996-2008 and pre and post Multi-Fibre Arrangement (MFA) (1996-2005, 2006-2017, respectively). The five year period was selected based on the goal to identify current impacts and policy implications. To identify complex patterns of trade flows between exporting and destination countries, a visual tool is adopted. An interactive Sankey diagram presented in static form illustrates destination countries for the top seven global worn clothing exporters.
Keywords: Worn Clothing, Trade, Visualization, Interactive map
How to Cite:
Moore, M. & Saki, Z., (2019) “An Interactive Map of Global Patterns of Worn Clothing Exports in the Recent Term”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 76(1). doi:
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