W=FT # 001: Tufted. Discovery Research and Development of Post-market Textile Products
The design challenge for W=FT # 001: Tufted was to (1) develop systems of processing W=FT materials, retrofit or re-develop machinery that can develop W=FT product and post-market (2) W=FT textile yardage (3) textile product artifact with a focus on redefining waste as value. This phase solely focused on discovery and textile production and engineering. While future phases will focus on the development of three-dimensional textile products, they
will not be discussed in this abstract. The design should be reviewed as a textile design development.
Keywords: Tufting, Innovation
How to Cite:
Cobb, K. & Eads, T., (2019) “W=FT # 001: Tufted. Discovery Research and Development of Post-market Textile Products”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 76(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/itaa.8793
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