The Development of Hijab in the 21st Century
The population of hijab wearer is increasing in the Western region due to a large number of immigrants who live in this area. Therefore, some the apparel companies developed hijab collection in their brands. For example, in 2016, Dolce & Gabana presented new and current hijab collection line for Muslim women in their runway show. In 2017 Nike also launched a special hijab collection for Muslim women athletes. These current hijab designs introduced by the several luxury brands are associated with a combination of Muslim traditions and fashion trends to satisfy the current target customer. With these trends, the purposes of this study are to examine and evaluate the current hijabs and create a new hijab collection according to the wearer’s need and preference. For this study, the seven steps design model suggested by Watkins (2008) were selected and modified. The modified design steps for this study are consists of five steps: (a) research, (b) definition, (c) idea generation, (d) design development, and (e) evaluation.
Keywords: design process, hijab, Muslim women, style
How to Cite:
Khaloud, A. & An, S., (2019) “The Development of Hijab in the 21st Century”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 76(1). doi:
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