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Sustainability and Social Responsibility

Bridging the Gap Between Green Self-Perception and Intentional Behaviors: Mediating Role of Ad-Brand Congruency

  • Eunjoo Cho (University of Arkansas)
  • Song-yi Youn (University of Missouri)


This study draws on social identity and congruity theories to examine the effect of green self-perception on intentional behaviors. Also, this study tests the role of ad-brand congruency in bridging between green self-perception (i.e., perceived consumer effectiveness) and intentional behaviors (i.e., share and purchase intentions). A total of 612 college students attending a large university in the US was used for the data analysis. A structural equation modeling was used for final data analysis. The results provide support for the effect of green self-perception on ad-brand congruency and intentional behaviors. Findings revealed that the direct effect of ad-brand congruency was stronger than the direct effect of green self-perception on intentional behaviors. The mediating role of ad-brand congruency was statistically significant in the relationship. The results provide support for the importance of matching the CSR advertising appeals and the brand image in the social media context where green-minded consumers encounter advertisements stimulating green consumption.

Keywords: Green self-perception, Cooperative social responsibility, ad-brand congruency

How to Cite:

Cho, E. & Youn, S., (2019) “Bridging the Gap Between Green Self-Perception and Intentional Behaviors: Mediating Role of Ad-Brand Congruency”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 76(1). doi:

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