In Times of Crisis: Our Story of Resilience
In this paper, we take a reflective look at the process and precursor to designing a diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice project and course while navigating our own multiply-minoritized experiences as graduate educators of color. We discuss our own stories and narratives of resilience during theCOVID-19 global pandemic around issues of immigration, racism, police violence, the struggles, and challenges of English Language Learners (ELLs), and gender discrimination. The paper begins with the story of the birth of our team through the lens/story of our colleague, followed by the introduction, our conceptualization of resilience drawing on wider literature, the development of the project and four-modular course and its impact, shared narratives of our team and concludes with a discussion of the implications for educators. We discuss how our personal, teaching, and scholarly experiences led to activism, advocacy, and social change, as our way of resilience.
Keywords: social justice, resilience, diversity, narratives
How to Cite:
Chhikara, A., Osei-Tutu, A. A., Zhou, L., Oudghiri, S., Dwomoh, R. & Bell, T., (2022) “In Times of Crisis: Our Story of Resilience”, Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis 11(3). doi:
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