Social Justice Education In Higher Education: A Conversation With Dr. Susana Muñoz
The following is an interview with Dr. Susana Muñoz, an Assistant professor of Higher Education at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Her dissertation, entitled “Understanding college persistence issues for undocumented Mexican immigrant women from the New Latino Diaspora: A case study,” was funded through the Association for the Study of Higher Education/Lumina Foundation dissertation fellowship. She was also awarded the Iowa State Research Excellence award for her dissertation research. Through this interview she shared how she came to doing social justice work, and specifically how her work in student affairs drove her research interest on the experiences of undocumented Latino/a students and how they navigate higher education. Through this conversation Dr. Muñoz argues that Higher Education policy makers and administrators could/should be doing more to influence federal and state policy regarding undocumented students.
Keywords: educational administration, Latino/a Diaspora, immigration
How to Cite:
Munoz, S. M. & Lopez, A. L., (2013) “Social Justice Education In Higher Education: A Conversation With Dr. Susana Muñoz”, Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis 2(1).
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