Teach With Me: The Promise of a Raced Politic for Social Justice in College Classrooms
This article considers the importance of a “raced politic” and students of color when teaching in predominantly White college classrooms. It highlights the ways unchallenged White supremacy limits socially-just practice. The author also discusses the ways student of color voices can serve as a pedagogical tool. Finally, drawing on the work of Freire (1970), the article offers a conceptual framework for understanding and promoting student of color voices in the work of social justice.
Keywords: Pedagogy, Student Voice, Freire, Higher Education, College Classrooms, Race
How to Cite:
Edwards, K. T., (2014) “Teach With Me: The Promise of a Raced Politic for Social Justice in College Classrooms”, Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis 2(2).
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