Climate Change and Environmental Justice: A Conversation with Dr. Robert Bullard
Robert D. Bullard is the Dean of the Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs at Texas Southern University in Houston, Texas. He is often described as the father of environmental justice. Professor Bullard received his Ph.D. from Iowa State University. He is the author of seventeen books that address sustainable development, environmental racism, urban land use, industrial facility siting, community reinvestment, housing, transportation, climate justice, emergency response, smart growth, and regional equity. In this interview, Dr. Bullard talks about some of the key climate change-related challenges for vulnerable communities and actions needed to address them.
Keywords: Climate Change, social justice, environmental
How to Cite:
Bullard, D. D., Gardezi, M., Chennault, C. & Dankbar, H., (2016) “Climate Change and Environmental Justice: A Conversation with Dr. Robert Bullard”, Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis 5(2).
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