Social Justice Begins At Home
With social justice in constant evolution, the current state of the field within higher education involves both thriving steps towards equity and vast barricades hindering forward movement. Drawing on a clear foundation of theoretical concepts involving social justice, this article considers ways higher education paradoxically contributes towards the process and goal of social justice and replicates the identical systems of privilege and oppression it is striving to deconstruct. This article suggests one path in the journey towards social justice begins with self-work to then shift systemic dynamics to dismantle oppressive structures. Individuals and campuses are offered insights, strategies and forms of praxis to meet the ever-changing field of social justice to create sustainable transformation.
Keywords: preparation of future student affairs professionals, multicultural competence
How to Cite:
martinez, b., (2012) “Social Justice Begins At Home”, Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis 1(1).
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