Writing Ourselves Into Existence: Healing Through Collaborative Curriculum Development
Here we offer an open exchange / evaluation of our experience as facilitator and editor (Bianca) and writer and collaborator (Sara) during the inaugural Women of Color Sexual Health Network Curriculum Lab which took place November 2017 in New Orleans, LA. In two months, 7 women and femmes of color who are sexuality educators wrote a robust curriculum for our communities that centers pleasure, social emotional learning competencies as early Freedom Schools implemented, sex and pleasure positive, using an intersectional framework and praxis, disability justice framework, inclusive of LGBTQ communities, and does not assume HIV negative status. This is one of the first collaborative curricula to fill in the gaps of the insufficient evidenced-based federally funded curricula. We offer a conversation that highlights how collaborative curricula for sexuality education classes supporting participants of color is a form of healing and community restitution for educators and facilitators.
Keywords: Education, curriculum development, sex education, sexuality education, healing, community restitution, sexual health
How to Cite:
Laureano, B. I. & Flowers, S. C., (2018) “Writing Ourselves Into Existence: Healing Through Collaborative Curriculum Development”, Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis 7(2).
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