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Applying a Freirian Lens on Social Justice Education: One Practitioner’s Perspective

  • D. Scott Tharp (DePaul University)


Freire’s writings beyond Pedagogy of the Oppressed offer value to social justice educators looking to deeply explore and inform their own practice. His ideas related to class suicide, authority and freedom, political clarity, educational directivity and epistemological circling can enhance social justice educators approach to recognizing personal prejudices, negotiating emotions, personal disclosure, and navigating authority in educational settings. Through phenomenological reflections on my social justice education practice as a curriculum designer and facilitator within higher education, Freire’s ideas are used to analyze my experiences and provide insight for how I can re-imagine my practice to contribute to democratic, participatory educational processes for students. Openly offering my praxis aspires to provide insight for how others may also use Freire’s broader works to engage in praxis themselves.

Keywords: Education, facilitation, college students, social justice, Higher Education, Paulo Freire

How to Cite:

Tharp, D., (2015) “Applying a Freirian Lens on Social Justice Education: One Practitioner’s Perspective”, Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis 4(1).

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