Evaluating an Open Access Publishing Fund at a Comprehensive University
INTRODUCTION As the open access movement has fostered a shift from subscriber-funded journals to author-pays models, scholars seek funding for the dissemination of their research. In response to this need, some libraries have established open access funds at their institutions. This paper presents an evaluation of an open access fund at a comprehensive university. DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM/SERVICE Wanting to learn how faculty have benefitted from an open access publishing fund, Grand Valley State University Libraries surveyed recipients of the fund. The survey asked authors why they chose an open access publishing option and whether the fund influenced this decision. Authors were also asked whether they perceived that selecting an open access option broadened exposure to their work and about their likelihood of choosing open access in the future. NEXT STEPS This article shares the results of this small survey and explores next steps in promoting and evaluating the fund and opportunities for focusing educational efforts across campus.
Keywords: open access funds, advocacy, faculty, outreach
How to Cite:
Beaubien, S., Garrison, J. & Way, D., (2016) “Evaluating an Open Access Publishing Fund at a Comprehensive University”, Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 3(3), eP1204. doi: https://doi.org/10.7710/2162-3309.1204
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