Google Data Studio
Google Data Studio is a new data visualization program designed as a user-friendly tool for representing complex datasets in an attractive and clear fashion. Data Studio’s core function is interpretation of social media and web analytics; however, its support of data sources like MySQL and spreadsheets suggests Data Studio could be used by researchers to interpret their own data in an equally user-friendly fashion. While Data Studio relies on the usual mix of chart and graphs to convey meaning, it enhances them with features including the ability to integrate multiple sources into a single report, dynamic data updating, and interactive visualizations. Data Studio’s support for third-party data sources could use further development; however, it is a promising resource for budding data visualizers.
Keywords: data visualization, analysis software, data analysis, data display, Big Data
How to Cite:
Snipes, G., (2018) “Google Data Studio”, Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 6(1), eP2214. doi:
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