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Practice Article

Showcasing Institutional Research: Curating Library Exhibits to Support Scholarly Communication

  • Devina Dandar (Royal Roads University)
  • Jaime Clifton-Ross (Royal Roads University)
  • Ann Dale orcid logo (Royal Roads University)
  • Rosie Croft orcid logo (Royal Roads University)


INTRODUCTION To support faculty in communicating their research outcomes to the academic community and the wider public, the Royal Roads University (RRU) Library established Showcase, a physical venue in the library designed to promote institutional research. While professional literature mainly focuses on the use of library exhibits for outreach and community engagement, more literature is needed on applying museum interpretation practices to the development of library exhibits, and the use of library exhibits for knowledge mobilization of research outcomes and promotion of institutional scholarship to the wider community. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE This article discusses the Royal Roads University Library’s practices to develop the ‘Showcase’ brand by curating research-based exhibits as a scholarly communication initiative to support institutional research dissemination. It provides a brief description of the Showcase venue and infrastructure. It then describes the processes, challenges, and lessons learned in developing three research exhibits, that is, 1) cultivating faculty partnerships; 2) reformatting academic research to multimedia formats; and 3) integrating technology to showcase scholarship. NEXT STEPS It concludes by outlining the next steps for developing this initiative and the practice of curating academic research exhibits.

Keywords: library exhibits, scholarly communication, research dissemination, knowledge mobilization, museums, interpretation, curatorial practices

How to Cite:

Dandar, D., Clifton-Ross, J., Dale, A. & Croft, R., (2020) “Showcasing Institutional Research: Curating Library Exhibits to Support Scholarly Communication”, Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 8(1), eP2335. doi:

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