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Assessment of Technology Graduate Students’ Learning Preference Styles Utilizing the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

  • R. Lance Hogan (Eastern Illinois University)


A significant challenge facing technology educators today is improving curriculum to coincide with industry’s needs while simultaneously increasing student satisfaction throughout the learning process. Technology educators can help meet this challenge by persistently refining curriculum and aligning teaching methodology with learning preference styles of students. The purpose of this study is to report on Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) preference styles of Technology graduate students and recommend effective approaches to teaching technology courses based on identification of preference types. The MBTI was used to measure the preference type of Technology graduate students attending a National Association of Industrial Technology accredited Midwest regional state university. The population consisted of 121 graduate students with data indicating the most common individual preference type of ESTJ while the most common group preference type among Technology graduates was ENTJ. The findings have implications for technology instructors who seek to improve instructional effectiveness.

Keywords: administration|higher education|research|teaching methods

How to Cite:

Hogan, R. L., (2009) “Assessment of Technology Graduate Students’ Learning Preference Styles Utilizing the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator”, Journal of Industrial Technology 25(1).

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