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Quality Measurement and Good Practices in Web-Based Distance Learning: A Case Study of the Industrial Management Program at Central Missouri State University

  • Ronald Woolsey (Central Missouri State University)
  • Suhansa Rodchua (Indiana State University)


In order to provide educational quality in Internet-based distance learning, institutions must be ready to offer effective teaching and learning methods. The study proposed a model to measure the quality of web-based courses. On-line educators are still trying to figure out how best to use web-based technology as a way of delivering courses and how web-based tools and learning activities, such as discussion boards, e-mail, group projects, virtual chats, interaction among classmates, interaction between instructor and students, and so on, influence students’ learning. Key components that on-line developers and educators can use in their pedagogical process of Internet-based environments to promote student satisfaction and learning effectiveness are instructional and design strategies, use of web-based tools and activities, and student participation. Results from the statistical test of 161 on-line students in the Industrial Management program at Central Missouri State University indicated that graduate students accessed the course a greater number of times than under- graduates did and students with better grades accessed the course more often than students with poorer grades did. While it is no surprise that the number of times accessing the course can be a significant predictor of success in online course delivery, the researchers were intrigued by the significance of the relationship.

Keywords: administration|higher education|internet|quality|research|teaching methods

How to Cite:

Woolsey, R. & Rodchua, S., (2004) “Quality Measurement and Good Practices in Web-Based Distance Learning: A Case Study of the Industrial Management Program at Central Missouri State University”, Journal of Industrial Technology 20(4).

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