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Assessing the Value of Short Term International Experience for Industrial Technology Educators

  • Bruce D. DeRuntz (Southern Illinois University Carbondale)


The United States Bureau of Economic Analysis (2003) recently reported that the national trade deficit has continued its record setting trend of the past 20 years, and the US now imports almost twice the amount of goods that it exports. This perpetual decay of the US economy and its manufacturing base is a direct threat to our standard of living and eventually even our national security (Manufacturing News, 2003). Education is the foundation and driving force by which research develops technology, corporations increase productivity, and nations are able to compete globally to raise their standard of living. This postulate was formally acknowledged over 20 years ago in the landmark report “A nation at risk: The imperative for educational reform” (The National Commission on Excellence in Education, 1983). Since then, the US government has reacted with a plethora of legislation aimed at addressing our nation’s educational needs and arming all of our students with the skills necessary to compete in the new world economy. “U.S. colleges and universities have a national obligation to produce well-informed students who can play an intelligent role in international trade, diplomacy, development, business, and security and who, as citizens can understand the world around them” (Aiken, Millman, & Stephens, 1999).

Keywords: administration|higher education|research

How to Cite:

DeRuntz, B. D., (2003) “Assessing the Value of Short Term International Experience for Industrial Technology Educators”, Journal of Industrial Technology 19(4).

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