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A Reading List for Establishing a Base of Knowledge for Technology Management: A Delphi Study

  • Jeff McNabb (Indiana State University)


To meet the growing need for Ph.D. technology management graduates, seven universities created a consortium in 1998 to better reach a wider constituency. Presently, the coverage area includes the mid-west states of Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, and Wisconsin, and the southern states of Tennessee and North Carolina. The program maintains most of the traditional requirements of advanced graduate study, but stands as unique in its use of the broad resources of its seven consortium members. Of further importance, each university offers a distinctive philosophical attribute and extensive library holdings that add depth and quality to the program. The schools are linked together by alternative communication systems, primarily relying upon web- site instruction. Classes for the degree include ten general core courses in research, statistics, philosophy, etc. and ten courses in one of five specialty areas; Construction Management, Digital Communications, Human Resources Development and Management, Manufacturing Systems, and Quality Systems. The program has clearly demonstrated that a web-site based consortium approach can more effectively deliver a Ph.D. level degree program to a wider audience than other more traditional strategies. However, what was initially gained in the effectiveness of outreach was lost in some instances in the vastness of the system.

Keywords: administration|curriculum|higher education|management|research

How to Cite:

McNabb, J., (2003) “A Reading List for Establishing a Base of Knowledge for Technology Management: A Delphi Study”, Journal of Industrial Technology 19(2).

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