Revising the Traditional Recipe: Documenting the Black Women of the WCTU
The session describes an inprogress project to create an online research databasse documenting the significant but understudied role of Black women in the Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU). The project, based on data gathered from the extensive holdings of the WCTU Archives in Evanston, IL, along with other resources, compiles names of individual women, and the locations of local WCTU unions (branches), state by state, in the U.S. The database will offer a research resource for advancing knowledge of Black women's activism and networks.
Keywords: digital humanities, social networks, archives as data, women's history, Black womens' activism
How to Cite:
Olson, J. C., Jacobsen, K., Raczkowski, A. & Bullock, K., (2023) “Revising the Traditional Recipe: Documenting the Black Women of the WCTU”, MAC Annual Meeting Presentations 2023(1).
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