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Moving Digital Preservation Forward: Using Assessments and Pilot Projects to Build Support

  • Larissa Krayer (University of Nebraska Medical Center)
  • Joan Curbow (Buena Vista University)
  • Kyna Herzinger (University of Louisville)


An abundance of resources, including reports, models, and case studies, exist on the topic of digital preservation. Yet weaving together these disparate resources into a cohesive plan to establish and grow a digital preservation program can be a challenge, and gaining buy-in from administrations to prioritize and support digital preservation can be complex. In recent years, though, archivists have developed tools to assess program maturity and to identify steps to establish and improve their digital preservation programs. These tools, along with other resources, can also help archives advocate to administrators for the resources necessary for their program. This panel will explore the utility of these tools, and how they have harnessed them to grow their own digital preservation programs.

Kyna Herzinger will review the process of using DPC’s Rapid Assessment Model to evaluate the digital preservation program at her institution. She will explore how the results were harnessed to establish priorities and to advocate for modest resources aimed at growing the program.

After a brief overview of the assessment exercise Larissa Krayer conducted, she will focus on how it was used as an educational tool for library administrators and campus IT to advocate for the technical and organizational resources necessary to start a digital preservation program.

For solo archivists, time and resources are few. Joan will discuss how getting stakeholders interested in supporting digital preservation has been a major challenge, but experimenting with Preservica Starter and being able to show them what digital preservation is/can do in the form of a finished product has been a game-changer.

How to Cite:

Krayer, L., Curbow, J. & Herzinger, K., (2022) “Moving Digital Preservation Forward: Using Assessments and Pilot Projects to Build Support”, MAC Annual Meeting Presentations 2022(1).


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