MAC 2020 Recap
- Hope Grebner Bibens (Drake University)
- Rosalie Gartner (Iowa State University)
- Hilary Seo (Iowa State University)
- Heather Campbell (Grinnell College)
- Bethany Davis (University of Iowa)
- David McCartney (University of Iowa)
- Craig Wright (Central Michigan University)
- Benn Joseph (Northwestern University Libraries)
- Joan Curbow (Buena Vista University)
- Claudia Frazer (Drake University)
- Kay Grigsby (Des Moines University)
- Anthony Jahn (State Historical Society of Iowa)
- Becki Plunkett (State Historical Society of Iowa)
- Marcella Wiget (Kansas Historical Society)
So far, it has been a beautiful spring here in Des Moines, and we so wish we could have shared our city with you during MAC 2020! The Local Arrangements Committee (LAC) cochairs would like to thank the members of the LAC for all of their hard work, the Education Committee (cochaired by Amy Bishop and Janet Carleton) for planning informative and relevant workshops, and the Program Committee (cochaired by Marcella Huggard and Benn Joseph) for organizing a great program. We hope that you’ll see many of the sessions at next year’s meeting.
How to Cite:
Bibens, H. G., Gartner, R., Seo, H., Campbell, H., Davis, B., McCartney, D., Wright, C., Joseph, B., Curbow, J., Frazer, C., Grigsby, K., Jahn, A., Plunkett, B. & Wiget, M., (2020) “MAC 2020 Recap”, MAC Newsletter 48(1), 1, 4.
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