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A Collaborative Approach to Designing Digital Exhibits at the University of Dayton

  • Kayla Harris (University of Dayton)


In August 2021, the Marian Library at the University of Dayton physically welcomed public visitors back for the first time since March 2020 with the opening of the exhibit Journeys of Faith: Shrines, Souvenirs and Catholic Tourism. Catholic shrines and festivals attract millions of visitors each year, ranging from pilgrims on spiritual journeys to casual tourists. The exhibit, featuring items from the Marian Library and the US Catholic Special Collection, explored the motivations for Catholic travel; what visitors do at these sites; and the souvenirs they bring back—from handcrafted devotional objects to quirky mementos. After the physical exhibit opened, a team from across the University Libraries developed a companion digital exhibit while also outlining a process for these types of collaborative digital projects in the future.

How to Cite:

Harris, K., (2022) “A Collaborative Approach to Designing Digital Exhibits at the University of Dayton”, MAC Newsletter 50(1), 17-20.

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