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Pronunciation in EFL instruction: A research-based approach [Review]

  • Elizabeth Lee (Iowa State University)


This book addresses the importance of the pronunciation in EFL education and begins with a discussion on the the theory of EFL pronunciation instruction before moving on to instructional techniques that pronunciation instructors could use to teach English pronunciation in an EFL context. Each chapter is divided into two parts A and B: part A gives an overall theoretical picture of topics related to pronunciation teaching, and part B summarizes empirical studies that would support some of the arguments made in part A. As the author mentions in her preface, the book is for current and prospective EFL and teacher trainers interested in improving their teaching skills and pronunciation instruction, pronunciation specialists and students of applied linguistics (Szpyra, 2015, pp. viii-ix). While the author attempts to reduce the amount of technical words, readers who have very little knowledge in pronunciation, phonetics and phonology, would find some of the terminologies difficult to comprehend without referring to outside sources. Nevertheless, I think this is a good introduction to any person who is interested in either teaching or conducting research in pronunciation teaching. This book review would only focus on the contents of the first two chapters of the book.

How to Cite:

Lee, E., (2015) “Pronunciation in EFL instruction: A research-based approach [Review]”, Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Proceedings 7(1).

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