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Teaching Tips

Listening Skills Instruction: Practical Tips for Processing Aural Input

  • Marnie Reed (Boston University)


Two listening challenges faced by English L2 learners are (1) successfully identifying words in continuous speech and (2) understanding a speaker’s intended meaning. Listening is a skill L2 learners report wanting to improve, yet teaching practices often fail to advance learner knowledge and control of listening processes. Instructors can benefit from empirically-supported recommendations to help learners parse continuous speech, and discern speaker intent. This Teaching Tip shares two 3-part strategies to facilitate processing utterance content and interpreting message meaning. The practical tips presented here are consistent with a return in the larger TESOL field to a true communicative approach, relying on authentic materials and real communicative contexts rather than mere mimicry of connected speech features or particular intonation contours.

How to Cite:

Reed, M., (2018) “Listening Skills Instruction: Practical Tips for Processing Aural Input”, Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Proceedings 10(1).

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