This study discusses real-time detection of tendon failure in prestressed concrete (PC) beam based on FEA simulations of wave propagation. After the occurrence of elastic waves due to failure of the prestressing tendon, the waves propagate the PC beam as Lambs wave with multiple modes. S0 mode is targeted to extract by referring the dispersion curve of concrete plate. The elastic wave is captured by high-speed sampling measurement at multiple points. The space-time information is converted to wave number-frequency information by two-dimensional Fast Fourier transform(2D FFT), the wave number and frequency band corresponding to the S0 mode are extracted, and they are extracted by inverse 2D FFT. In the case of a practical PC beam as an example, it is found that there is a possibility that the velocity stable region of the S0 mode can be extracted by measurement at an interval of 0.48 m with 200 kHz sampling.
How to Cite:
Suzuki, K. ., Kaneko, H. ., Fukuda, M. ., Sasaki, E. ., Tuttipongsawat, P. ., Kawada, N. ., Suyama, N. ., Kurihara, Y. ., Amaya, K. . & Hamaoka, K. ., (2019) “Analytical study on real-time detection of tendon failure in prestressed concrete beam”, Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation .
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