
A 2D hybrid approach to model a complexed shaped defect in an ultrasonic inspection situation

Authors: Maria Semenova (Chalmers University of Technology) , Gert Persson (Chalmers University of Technology) , Håkan Wirdelius (Chalmers University of Technology)

  • A 2D hybrid approach to model a complexed shaped defect in an ultrasonic inspection situation


    A 2D hybrid approach to model a complexed shaped defect in an ultrasonic inspection situation

    Authors: , ,


Nondestructive testing methods (NDT) are used to evaluate in-service induced defects, such as fatigue and stress corrosion cracks. All NDT methods are indirect and based on the interpretation of received signal, which is always the basis for judgment of the quality of the component. Different degradation mechanisms produce very different kind of cracks or defects in a morphological perspective. Therefore, they interact and influence the received signal in an individual manner, and ultrasonic NDT methods are not always reliable in such applications. But it is possible to do parametrical studies that address such interactions and dependencies by using hybrid methodology, which combines finite element (FE) and an integral representation and takes advantage of both semi-analytical and numerical approaches. Such hybrid model has, in the development into a corresponding 3D description, a great potential when it comes to the complexed shape defects (SCC) or defects surrounded by strongly anisotropic material.

How to Cite:

Semenova, M. ., Persson, G. . & Wirdelius, H. ., (2019) “A 2D hybrid approach to model a complexed shaped defect in an ultrasonic inspection situation”, Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation .

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Published on
03 Dec 2019
Peer Reviewed