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Analysis of critically refracted longitudinal waves based on focused transducer

Authors: Zenghua Liu (Beijing University of Technology) , Bin Zhao (Beijing University of Technology) , Ning Pei (Beijing University of Technology) , Xin Zhao (Beijing University of Technology) , Cunfu He (Beijing University of Technology) , Bin Wu (Beijing University of Technology)

  • Analysis of critically refracted longitudinal waves based on focused transducer


    Analysis of critically refracted longitudinal waves based on focused transducer

    Authors: , , , , ,


Critically refracted longitudinal (LCR) waves can be applied to a variety of non-destructive tests (NDT) such as surface geometry characterization, subsurface defect detection, and primarily for residual stress measurements. Discussion the numerical and experimental characteristics of the LCR beam profile to optimize the incident angle selection to obtain sufficient energy. In the obtained results, all the components of the refracted sound field and the energy distribution of the LCR waves obtained with different incident angles were proved. However, since the parallel ultrasonic beam has a hole effect similar to that of the light, the energy is diverged during the propagation, and the loss is severe, so that the critically refracted longitudinal wave after the refraction is not strictly parallel to the interface of the medium. This paper aims to obtain LCR wave by using a focused transducer to refract propagation in different media. Modifying the relevant parameters to obtain better signal, that can be applied to various non-destructive engineering tests.

How to Cite:

Liu, Z., Zhao, B., Pei, N., Zhao, X., He, C. & Wu, B., (2019) “Analysis of critically refracted longitudinal waves based on focused transducer”, Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation .

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