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Development of the ultra high-resolution acoustic microscopy system for precision diagnosis on hidden damage of micro/nano structure

Authors: S. Lee (Seoul National University of Science and Technology) , T. Park (Seoul National University of Science and Technology) , D. Kang (Seoul National University of Science and Technology) , I. Park (Seoul National University of Science and Technology)

  • Development of the ultra high-resolution acoustic microscopy system for precision diagnosis on hidden damage of micro/nano structure


    Development of the ultra high-resolution acoustic microscopy system for precision diagnosis on hidden damage of micro/nano structure

    Authors: , , ,


A method for evaluating the thin film properties, destructive testing such as scanning electron microscope was generally used. Since the electron microscope has a limit to surface-based analysis, it requires nondestructive evaluation techniques to analyze the interface as well as the surface. The acoustic microscopy system (AMS) has been used to non-destructively detect hidden damages and evaluate material properties in micro/nano structures. In recent times, the development of high-frequency acoustic microscopy system has been required as the thicknesses of thin films have gradually decreased. In particular, transducer-lens and pulser/receiver are the major components affecting the performance of an AMS. In this study, a high-resolution prototype-AMS was developed to analyze the characteristics of thin films. Piezoelectric transducers were deposited with various thicknesses of the ZnO thin films on a sapphire lens using RF sputtering. The prototype device also had an integrated pulser/receiver and a data acquisition system. Based on the results, the developed high-resolution AMS can be used for diagnosis/inspection of micro/nano structural damages in thin films.

How to Cite:

Lee, S., Park, T., Kang, D. & Park, I., (2019) “Development of the ultra high-resolution acoustic microscopy system for precision diagnosis on hidden damage of micro/nano structure”, Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation .

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