Progress is summarized on a computational model for ultrasound transmission in a curved composite laminate. Beam transmission is modeled using a homoginization of the laminate microstructure, by which a quasi-isotropic lamminate is represented as a transversley isotropic continuum. The model for the curved laminate thereby has local elastic properties given by the homoginized medium, which rotate with laminate curvature. Beam transmission uses a ray tracing algotithm for curved media. Ongoing work is extracing frequency and propagation direction dependent attenuation coefficients to accurately model scattering losses in the laminate arising from ply interface reflection/refraction that become appreciable at the intermediate wavelengths used for inspection.
How to Cite:
Roberts, R., (2019) “Modeling ultrasound propagation in curved CFRP composites”, Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation .
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